Living Responsibly… It’s Only Natural!
Sheryl Eaglewoman
Welcome! This week our topic is "Birthing Wisely". Birth. It is a wonder of wonders, the climax of Nature; and ours to experience freely. It’s true. Our birthing experiences are just that, ours. We can celebrate in choice, birthing according to our life convictions. Understand how a woman lives and you will view her births. And like life, birth is a slow unfolding. It is not something that happens in just a day or two. Being aware while considering the conception of a child and while pregnant will enrich your life and that of the baby greatly.
Birthing Wisely. It is one of the sought after answers of our times. With children, as desperate in their measures as we see them today, it is vital we return to birthing aware, birthing wisely. It is an action, we as individuals, have the power and knowledge to take. Establishing a bond of love and security with your unborn child is a powerful step toward healing the wounds within yourself and within society. Avoiding unnecessary trauma during pregnancy and birth is another powerful step. It makes no more sense to drug our babies, cut our mothers and to separate our families during the actual birthing than it does to poison our Earth, clear cut our forests or destroy our animal populations. These acts are travesties against our beings.
So what does it mean to "Birth Wisely" and how do we do it? To birth wise we must be willing to open ourselves to that which comes our way through our births and our association with the unborn child; to be aware and see the ally in any given situation, whether comfortable or not; to know that through our births we will grow and transform beyond our expectations. And still be willing. This is to "Birth Wisely".
In the teachings of the "Wise Woman Tradition", there are three basic approaches to healing. There is the Scientific, whose approach is to stabilize or fix the body; the Heroic, whose approach is to cleanse the body; and the Wise Woman, whose approach is to nourish the body. Be careful to not confuse professional labels with approaches. A doctor can work from a Wise Woman approach and a midwife in a scientific model. The nourishing Wise Woman approach is the key to Birthing Wisely. Nourishment for the body is of course paramount, yet care must be taken to nourish the mind and spirit as well.
Of the body, let us consider these ideas. It is important to eat "real" food, food that is alive, not loaded with artificial ingredients or pesticides. A couple of good questions to ask your self when shopping is, "Was this made in nature or by man?" or "Did this grow?" Water is of great importance. I recommend between one half and one gallon of filtered water daily. This encourages free elimination. It also provides the necessary fluid needed for the increased blood volume associated with pregnancy. If discomforts arise, use natural means to alleviate them. Herbs, homeopathics, foods and vitamins can be used wisely to assists the body’s natural defenses. Nourishing the body, enabling it to do its job better is more appealing and considered safer than forcing an action to occur. And for the tired, aching body, there is no substitute for sleep. This is to "Birth Wisely".
Of the mind, it too must be nourished; be it through beautiful music, art, literature or other means. Inform yourself of the many choices available to you concerning how you will birth your baby. Will you birth at home or elsewhere? Will a professional "catch" your baby or will a loved one? Will you birth in a bed, in water or squatting? Will you want company or privacy? The questions go on. Remember, you are informing your self, not restricting. Remember to not get caught up in the vicious cycle of trying to follow every one’s advice. You never could. You never should. Inform yourself and then follow your best judgment, for you know yourself best. Through being aware of oneself and one’s needs, one can achieve and maintain balance. This is to "Birth Wisely".
And of spirit, which is what we are really talking about; spirit allowing spirit to enter the physical realm as a newborn. One must remember, when speaking of birth, that there are two spirits to be considered; the mother and the child. Mothers should converse with their babies on an intuitive level. Care should be taken to acknowledge feelings that surface. Work through your fears with knowledge and awareness instead of avoiding them. Also remember, that as personal as your birth may appear to you, that some birth decisions will be made by the baby’s spiritual needs. Don’t consider deviations from your birth plan as a failure. Remember Universal Intelligence is always… Practicing awareness
techniques will help in keeping your perspective, especially important in life changing events. Celebrate the splendor of motherhood. Recognize the spiritual gifts given to us through birth. This is to "Birth Wisely".
And what of our partners and friends we invite along? How can they best travel with us on this wise journey? By being thoroughly aware of their own understanding of "Self". There in lies the security of the relationship. To understand the challenges of transformation faced by the birthing woman, yet not take them personal. Being able to help her go to those places inside, where her strength resides, yet not linger or invade. To give her strength when you thought you had none; a reassuring moment, a gentle touch. This to "Birth Wisely".
Birthing Wise. It is respect. Respect for the body, mind and spirit of the mother, child and Earth.
Question of the week: What is DHA?
Answer: DHA is a component of Omega 3 essential fatty acids. It can be found in flax and fish oils. It is used for better mental acuity and focus. Many physicians recommend it for children with A.D.D.
Have a question you’d like to see addressed by Sheryl Eaglewoman? E-mail your question to for "The Question of the Week".
Sheryl Eaglewoman is a Natural Health Consultant, Author and Publisher. Working in the Natural Health field for over 20 years, Sheryl has an extensive knowledge base, specializing in all areas of natural health, including herbal and homeopathic therapies, midwifery and organic lifestyle. Contact her at or 406-892-1116.