Living Responsibly…It’s Only Natural!
Sheryl Eaglewoman
Welcome! This week our topic of choice is "Getting Rid of the Clutter in our Lives". Do you know, "Simplicity can solve the world’s dilemmas."? I believe it is the answer to almost every issue. When one wants to solve a problem or address a concern, one must always get to the basics. What is really the issue at hand? Then we need to be totally honest with ourselves in regards to the answers. Realize that everyone’s answers will be different because we are all different. The goal is to live with grace and awareness with regards to the Earth and Ourselves. The positive take on clutter is, if we reduce the amount of "stuff" we have in our lives, we reduce the impact we create on the Earth. Impacts include the toll taken by the energy industry. This could be in the form of gasoline used in pursuit of the stuff we don’t really need and driving to work to make the money to pay for these things; the lights left on in empty rooms of our homes; the shipping of thousands of tons of foods from thousands of miles away. What about the landfill issues? Too much stuff equates to way too much trash. Just remember, there is no such place as away. It’s all right here on the Earth.
Okay, let’s start with some of the big "ones". Do you really need so many television sets in your house? Do you need one at all? How many screens can be viewed at once? What about the kitchen counter? How much stuff is sitting on it? How much do you use it? Put it in a cabinet. If there isn’t room, then it’s time to simplify. Either pack it up for future use or ship it out. Sell it or give it away. Either way, move it along. Clothes are another huge offense in most peoples’ homes. When did you last wear that 70’s Batik dress? Last week? Fabulous! You’ve still got "it". Three years ago? It’s time for E-Bay. Sports and exercise equipment being left in shame? Give it to the local shelter or church to pass along to a kid who would be thrilled to have it. Have too many books cluttering up your floor? Give them to the jail or to the library for their annual sale. You get the idea. My challenge for every one of us is to go through every room in our homes and clearly and honestly address each item as to whether it is really necessary in our life. If not, PASS IT ON!
What about "personal clutter"? Doing too much? Attending too many meetings? Running around trying to address too many issues? Trying to appease too many people? Let’s talk about this hot topic for a moment. Clutter not only refers to "stuff" but to people and energies as well. Are there people in your life that aren’t the best for you? Is there a particular person that always brings negativity your way? A situation you’ve found yourself in over and over that fails to be productive? Let them go; All of them. Life is short. We need to focus on what does matter. A relative of mine is the director of 3 funeral homes. He recently said, "I buried 340 people last month. Life is too short to waste it." If the clutter in your life is robbing you of the focus of what does matter, then it is definitely time to simplify.
So for technique…How to accomplish the impossible? Know it is possible; One item at a time, one feeling at a time.
First, go and get 2 good size boxes and go to the room you choose to start with. Look carefully. Do you really have to have it? Really? Does it just take up space? Does it remind you of some special time or person? Put items to give away in one box and items to sell in another. Then do it. Give them away. Have that sale. Put them on the internet. Need more help? Go to your local Natural Foods Store and get Bach Flower Essence Chestnut Bud, for breaking habits or Bach Flower Essence Walnut, for change of lifestyle. Bach Rescue Remedy works wonders for the stresses that could result from your inquiry into your own life patterns.
Remember, there is no such place as away. It’s all right here on the Earth. If we create a demand for a product we must have a place for it; in our homes and in our hearts as it is forever a part of the Earth. Can we afford the true costs of it in our lives?
***If you have a personal interest in helping to save the Earth, and I know you do, then join me at the "STEP IT UP 2007" rally promoting the National Day of Climate Action. Glacier National Park, Saturday, April 14th. Call 897-2165 or go to for more details. ***
Question of the Week: What does holistic mean?
Answer: Holistic, also spelled wholistic, means to take into consideration all of the parts of the person and lifestyle, not just a part, organ or system.
Have a question you’d like to see addressed by Sheryl Eaglewoman? E-mail your question to for "The Question of the Week".
Natural Health Consultant, Sheryl Eaglewoman, offers Private Consulting, Lectures and Education, specializing in all areas of natural health, including herbal, homeopathic and an organic lifestyle. Contact her at or 406-892-1116.