Living Responsibly…It’s Only Natural!
Sheryl Eaglewoman
Welcome! This week our topic of choice is to continue with "Medicine". Medicine: our healing, our remorse retracted. Remorse? Retracted? Remorse is defined (Oxford Dictionary, definition #3) as a lessening or break in a process. Remorse is also defined as a "guilt" being expressed towards past "perceived offenses". So, being the case in both of these defining aspects, then it world correlate that our healing would come from looking forward to where it is we want to be in our wholeness, our "Whole-Self", instead of looking back at where we were, even if only moments before. Moments before…don’t really exist. We are present…only and in the present is where we will find our enveloping health and accompanying lifestyle. Consider, if we are looking intently at our desired direction, consistently, then we shouldn’t have time for fighting disease and in that shift of awareness we will move one step closer towards an awareness based upon health. Why is that? Because we can not avoid something if we are constantly drawing it to ourselves by the attraction of thought. If we are fighting disease, then disease, being our focus, is what we will attract. That said, one of our most successful growth encouragers, i.e. medicines, would be to refine our thoughts to be above deferring our spirits to degrading and negatively inflicting energies. Living with clear intent…it is a good thing.
Actually, we never really defined "medicine", concisely, "according to Eaglewoman". So, for clarity, I suppose I should say…"Medicine" is the energy, vibration, or flow of the light force (life force) that, in a particular person, plant or animal, will create and encourage a place or spectrum to enable a balance to occur in the same individual’s health. Make sense? Health is the balance of all that there is within an energy field. This is why we have discussed the effects of various vibrations from fake foods to crap television. This is why we have discussed real food, clean water and air. These life forces are paramount to good health. So…wouldn’t a diet of good company and good food be an incredible medicine? Of course it would be. The thing is though, the BEST medicine, if there ever was one is prevention. We’ve all heard it. So why hear it here? We are bringing it up here because we need to plant seeds within our own mind set, our own thought processes to achieve long term health. As we project our consciousness into the future, we become that person. It is spontaneous. Furthermore, Physical Laws of Probability also play a part in our apparent successes in healing. These "Laws of Probability" are referred to as the "Morphic Resonance". This is a very basic definition. Generally speaking, because the patterns in nature have been followed by natural energetic forces for so many eons, there is an innate instinctual process that the pattern will continue to follow the same path of growth and development, even when considering several parts originally delineated from one cell. An elbow will always develop from cells the body determines to make that form. A cell that has been "instructed" to be a foot will always become a foot, etc. Many consider this process of development, the laws of nature. However, some progressive thinkers believe that there is a morphic resonance that has an incredibly strong influence on how we are built. We actually create grooves, patterns, in our brain as we repeatedly commit the same actions. The same happens on an energetic, cellular level. This is why it is absolutely imperative that we clean up our home, our Earth. We need to find Her perfection in ourselves. Her healing is our great medicine. Our medicine will not always taste so good; however, we will find a bitter resilience to allowing our decline in balance, our decline in our healing, our decline in recognizing that which is our health, our very healing. And in this process we will have an increasing recognition of what IS good for us, what IS our Medicine. Our lives will shift on a spontaneous pivot of thought and that which is non-beneficial will release your spirit…and we come full circle to the retraction of remorse. When we change our thinking, our physical body, even unto our brains, responds. Here will be the place of the healing of our spirit and in that moment we will be creating our next moment with life and light. Our medicine, our health, our balance is easiest recognized through maintaining a life that makes us feel good, one that brings us happiness and comfort and many smiles. Our best medicine is to not need any.
Question of the week: Any suggestions for eating healthy through the holidays?
Answer: Absolutely! Choose organic. Eat in moderation according to your current health. Chew slowly, eating in the moment, aware and in appreciation of every bite. You will eat less and savor the flavors much more because when we eat with awareness we are satisfied on all levels and health is invited into our being.
Book of the Week: The Herbal Medicine-Maker’s Handbook; Green, James; Crossing Press; 2000
Have a question you’d like to see addressed by Sheryl Eaglewoman? E-mail your question to for "The Question of the Week".
Sheryl Eaglewoman is a Natural Health Consultant, Medical Intuitive, Author and Publisher. Working in the Natural Health field for over 20 years, Sheryl has an extensive knowledge base, specializing in all areas of natural health, including herbal and homeopathic therapies, midwifery and organic lifestyle. Contact her at or 406-892-1116.